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iDNA Laboratories is a genetics company, based in Greece, active in the field of Precision Medicine and aiming to personalize health care.
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© Copyright – iDNA Laboratories | Developed by ADS Solutions
“iDNA Laboratories” provides a comprehensive range of IVD products and Genetics and Genomics related smart IVD Bioinformatics solutions and services, for the benefit of individual’s health and well-being condition.
This quality policy addresses quality in its most original sense, namely the degree of fulfillment of products and solutions / services characteristics, which meets the real declared requirements.
IDNA Laboratories developed and implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 13485:2016 standard and is committed to continuously comply with specified processes and procedures, communicate effectively with its clients, improve continually the provided services, train its staff, and minimize the clients’ complaints, taking the appropriate preventive and corrective actions.
Our Quality policy is centered around delivering cutting-edge IVD products and advanced Bioinformatics services that drive substantial enhancements in individual and public health.
iDNA Laboratories has decided to follow the comprehensive roadmap as per ISO 13485: 2016 certification requirements, in order to fulfil all the applied prerequisites for research, design, development, production and sale of its innovative IVD products that fully comply with regulations, customer requirements and iDNA’s own product specifications in the most effective way.
iDNA Laboratories top-management quality policy is intended to be communicated and understood by everyone in the company, so they can all follow one strategic direction on how product development happens and how requirements will be met in an absolute comprehensive manner. iDNA Laboratories is providing all the appropriate resources in order to introduce to the National and European market, innovative IVD Genetics and Genomics products which are safe and effective as per their clearly declared intended uses.
The Management
Date: 15.10.2021